A leading Canadian insurer wanted to reduce claims costs and consistently manage the claims back office across multiple locations. To support an efficient claims process, the insurer required a comprehensive view of claims operations to enable managers to make informed decisions.
The insurer approached Burnie Group to make its claims operations more efficient across all its business segments.
The Solution
Burnie Group implemented its operations excellence program across eight insurer locations. 1,200 claims operations staff members participated in the program. Program modules ranged from forecasting, capacity planning, and quality control to employee coaching and training, continuous process improvement, and skills management.
The program consisted of four major elements:
Operational intelligence: Process management, efficient decision-making and governance, and rapid and effective change management
Business intelligence: Performance management and analytics and quality mindset
Workforce agility: Intelligent forecasting, and electronically supported workload and workforce management
Advanced skills management: A single-skill-management view, cross-skilling, and operations talent management
The Result
The operations excellence program enabled leaders to improve their management skills, including coaching, workforce forecasting, planning, and real-time management. As a result of improved leadership, the insurer realized a 35% efficiency increase across the eight locations. Increased efficiency led to reduced operational costs, improved claims service, and faster claims processing.