Ankit Vig

Engagement Manager

Ankit Vig

Ankit brings over six years of experience as a management consultant and entrepreneur across several industries, including financial services, telecommunication, healthcare and technology. Ankit’s experience includes enterprise strategy development, post–merger integrations, value creation, operations diagnostic, e-commerce strategy, development and implementation, and organizational transformation.

Prior to joining Burnie Group, Ankit worked with KPMG India for four years, where he led engagements in their Strategy and Operations Practice. He delivered projects for clients in six different countries, where he has adjusted his working style to blend with the local working culture to deliver high-quality projects. After KPMG, he started his own venture: a subscription-based service to rent toys and books for kids.

Ankit earned his MBA at the Smith School of Business at Queen’s University, where he graduated on the Dean’s List. He earned his Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science from PES Institute of Technology.

When he’s not working, Ankit enjoys playing and watching sports, travelling, and cooking.