Our operations diagnostic program assesses and analyzes your company’s operational efficiency and effectiveness. We strive to uncover bottlenecks and inefficiencies within your present operations and opportunities to strengthen your competitive edge by reviewing various components and gathering data. Our solutions increase operational efficiency while focusing on time, quality, cost, and employee productivity.

Our approach to an operations diagnostic

We leverage our operating model framework to evaluate current operations and systematically conduct an assessment across five key areas to identify sources of value for your organization.

Red icon with a person and a shopping basket representing a customer

Customer: Review current customer experience utilizing opportunity surveys, management and customer interviews to identify core areas that impact the customer.

5. Technology integration support

Process: Evaluate current processes to identify gaps and dependencies. Uncover opportunities to streamline operations and apply automation to drive efficiency cost-effectively.

red icon with a computer monitor and keyboard representing etchnology

Technology: Review the technology landscape to identify opportunities to enhance the application landscape, discover automation potential, and gauge alignment with emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence.

Red icon with five people representing an organization's employees

People: Assess organization structure to ensure the right people are in the right roles, with appropriate skills and training.

4. Hundreds of sample communications

Governance: Assess controls and oversight to identify opportunities for better decision-making and improved overall governance.

Our assessment culminates in a workshop to review our analysis and insights, align on key findings, and establish go-forward priorities with management. We summarize the key findings in a report card that evaluates performance across each of our pillars:

Operations Diagnostic sample output with insights across five pillars: customer, people, process, technology and governance

Sample output: Executive summary of key findings

Our expertise spans a broad range of operations topics, including:

  • Back office operations
  • Branch operations
  • Change management
  • Contact center operations
  • Sales effectiveness
  • Shared services and outsourcing

Our operations leaders

Alexey Saltykov

Alexey Saltykov

Practice Leader, Post-Merger Integrations

View Bio

Graeme Hartlen

Graeme Hartlen

Practice Leader, Strategy & Operations

View Bio

Find out how we can help you improve your operations.