What is artificial intelligence?

Artificial intelligence (AI) has evolved to revolutionize industries and tackle complex challenges.

AI technologies, such as machine learning, deep learning, neural networks, and generative adversarial networks, have significantly advanced in recent years and are being used to accomplish complex tasks that were never before possible. With AI, machines are gaining the ability to understand language (natural language processing), see (machine vision), and make informed decisions (cognitive computing). These abilities can be applied across industries to perform tasks and solve problems.

what is artificial intelligence

The power of generative AI

One of the most exciting developments in AI is generative AI. Generative AI can generate content, including images, videos, and text, with remarkable creativity and realism. Businesses are harnessing gen AI for everything from creative content generation to data augmentation and simulation.

Our approach to leveraging AI

Stay at the forefront of AI advancements and integrate these cutting-edge technologies into your business strategy. Our AI consultants collaborate with you to understand how AI is impacting your business.

Once we understand your needs and challenges, we work with our industry partners to craft tailor-made strategies and solutions that address business opportunities and deliver value for your organization.

We also offer advisory services for risk and compliance, data governance, strategy, planning and prioritization, governance and operations model, vendor selection, and change management.

Burnie Group consultants Ishani and Raj work together to deliver an omnichannel design for a client

Our artificial intelligence services

AI launch program

Our foundational three-session program equips your business to integrate AI effectively. With expert guidance, explore AI capabilities, engage in discovery, and develop a strategic planning framework to harness AI’s transformative power.

An overview of our artificial intelligence launch program

We facilitate three half-day sessions over 2-3 days that enable you to:

  • Accelerate planning and execution around AI
  • Align on principles, priorities, risks, and investment targets
  • Coordinate your approach across business and technology leadership

Benefits of our AI launch program

  • Low investment, high-impact outcomes
  • In-person or remote
  • Hosted or at your offices
  • Minimal pre-work & quarterly follow-ups
  • Pre-configured sandbox environments

Artificial intelligence offerings: Strategize & assess, Explore opportunities, Implement & scale

Strategize & assess

Strategic planning is crucial for successful AI integration. We assist you in crafting an AI and data strategy that will serve as the blueprint for your AI journey. We work with you from the initial concept to a fully operational state to ensure that the AI solutions are deployed effectively, ethically, and sustainably to provide ongoing value and return on investment.

AI strategy & advisory

We help define and implement a tailored AI strategy and roadmap while establishing guiding principles for ethical AI use, identifying potential risks, and providing mitigation strategies to ensure responsible and secure AI integration.

AI readiness assessment

We evaluate your organization’s AI readiness across people, processes, and tools. We also ensure there is an appropriate foundation to build upon the necessary governance and architecture to enable secure and fair AI practices.

Explore opportunities

We guide you through the ideation and application of AI within your business, highlighting use cases that demonstrate the impactful applications of AI. Our goal is to unearth the opportunities that AI presents for your business, from streamlining operations to driving growth.

Opportunity assessment

We help you explore, size, qualify, and sequence AI opportunities while developing high-level business cases and ROI estimates.

AI center of excellence

We establish a governance framework for your AI solutions, ensuring quality, ethics, and scalability. We help you integrate gen AI with your existing AI and intelligent automation systems, creating a seamless and powerful operational platform. We also help you scale your AI solutions across your enterprise, driving growth and innovation.

Implement & scale

Our approach to delivering AI is hands-on, turning the insights and plans into deployed solutions that drive efficiency and growth. By leveraging our deep network of technology partners and domain experts, we ensure that each AI component integrates seamlessly into your existing systems, such as conversational AI to enhance customer engagement, advanced knowledge management for organizational intelligence, and data extraction for informed decision-making.

AI design & delivery

We manage and execute generative AI deployments with precision to facilitate operational excellence through transformative business solutions. We work with you to plan and manage AI projects, design and deliver gen AI solutions, test and deploy them into production, and support change management and training.

AI training & enablement

We leverage our See One – Do One – Lead One framework to help you successfully develop AI skills within your organization.

Our accelerators and differentiators

Deep partnerships with 20+ leading tools

Supported 20+ clients with AI

Use-case library of 200+ AI solutions

AI, automation, operations & CX experts

Why partner with Burnie Group for AI consulting

Our dedicated consulting team brings industry experience and a passion for artificial intelligence, technology, and automation. We leverage our expertise to develop an AI strategy that aligns with your goals, values, and aspirations.

With Burnie Group, you gain:

  • Expert guidance for successful technology transformations.
  • Measurable results backed by focused technology strategies.
  • Access to our deep partnership network across AI and automation providers.
  • Access to strategic technology insights tailored to your industry.
  • Smooth transition supported by our change management expertise.

Some of our artificial intelligence partnerships

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Find out how you can drive innovation in your organization with AI.